AP Mobile is the ios app for the Associated Press. The absolute most trustworthy source of news and accuracy on current events. Knonw for their many years of exceptional labor and associantios with major names in news and well as major broadcasting networks and newspapers around the world. The have now putted together this application so you and me can have access to the same type of information everyone else in the big news comanies do. With a clean presentation and ease of use Ap mobile will keep up updated to absolutely anything that is going on around the world from gossips to economy to world to local.
AP Mobile is the most comprehensive, accurate, and content-rich mobile app for local and global news.
AP Mobile offers the world’s news at your fingertips. Personalize your news to meet your needs. Select stories from your trusted local newspapers and broadcasters and combine it with the best of AP’s videos, photos, national, and international coverage.
AP Mobile is the award-winning app from The Associated Press, the definitive news source relied upon by thousands of newspapers, broadcasters and digital news providers worldwide. AP is “where the News gets its news,” and AP Mobile provides the same fast, unbiased multimedia coverage as a universal app for iPhone, iPad and iTouch users. AP is joined in this app by more than a thousand of its newspaper and broadcast customers in the United States, adding extensive local news coverage to the AP’s unmatched world and national reports. Available as a universal app for iPhone, iPad and iTouch users, AP Mobile delivers news like no other news app.
for more: click here